Ladder Safety Tips 101

If you own a home and you are considering doing your own roof repairs rather than hiring a premier contractor for roof repair in Hartford then the first thing you are going to want to do is to invest some time to make sure you stay safe. The foremost reason for job-related deaths each year is attributed to ladder falls and injuries, which is why a top-tier roofer in Hartford advises that you follow these ladder safety tips to help you remain safe.

Examine Your Ladders

Before stepping foot onto a ladder, a Hartford roof repair pro will always check it thoroughly. If a ladder is disabled then it considerably increases the risk of falls and injury. Here are a few things to examine on the ladders you are going to use:

  • Read over all of the labels and cautions that the manufacturer has provided on the ladder.
  • Watch out for any loose or missing parts such as screws, bolts, rivets, etc.
  • Stay away from a ladder that is all rusted out or corroded.
  • Are there any cracks in the metal or fiberglass, sharp edges, or visible damage?
  • If it is equipped with locking mechanisms, do they still work?

Ladder Placement and Use

Once a ladder had passed all of the safety factors, the next step is to set it up carefully. To accomplish this follow these steps:

  • Placed on a stable, even surface.
  • A Hartford roofer says to never place a ladder on top of an object to increase your reaching distance. such as chairs or the back of your pickup truck
  • A vertical extension ladder should be leaning up at an angle of 75 degrees for maximum stability
  • The ladder should stretch about 3 feet or more past the level you are climbing up to.
  • Ensure that all of the locking mechanisms are secured (if applicable)

Ladders are a very helpful and important piece of equipment, so the condition and how it is handled should not be overlooked. This is why there are regulations set that a professional Hartford roofing contractor must follow. Being informed about the dangers that are involved when working on a ladder and understanding how to prohibit injury is of the utmost importance. If you need some help with your roof, we offer free inspections and estimates. Contact us today!